Site Meter Onlineshopping Guide: September 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex

Artemis Fowl at last come with his new scheme to save the world but rather it seems that he could not save himself from his guilty mind. Yes friends this new release of Artemis Fowl shows him in a tight spot unlike other books of the series. Here he is not the motivator but a handicap. But Eoin Colfer pulled it right by using this handicap as an advantage. I will not say it is the greatest book of the but not bad. If you are the fan of the series like me then you will buy this book. I will not mar the interest with my book review and happy reading.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Add keyword To your Google Blogspot Site

From the name of the article you will think ohh I read something like this in blogymate and and somewhere in blog world. But still you could not prevent me to elaborate the topics(lol). May be it is my ignorance and laziness but I am still not able come across any blogger plugin that able to put meta description or description and keyword straight without needing coding skill. Though in wordpress this advantage is added by AL IN ON SEO plugin. So here I am with my happy ranting. So add description and keyword first go to your blogger dashboard and then Design or DashboardDesign.

Then click on edit html. Window like below will appear.

Put below code under <head>

<meta content=" xxxxx,xxxxxx,xxxxx" name="description"></meta>

<meta content=" xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx" name="keywords"></meta>

Here you have to put your desired description and keyword in place of xxxx and keywords and description will separated by coma. After done this it will be look like below image.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Earning money online-1

This is actually a follow up for the article earning money from online. Though I have given link to microworker I will give it again. Please go to and sign up by filling the required information. At first you will get chance to do 20 tasks. After that you have to wait to rated your task satisfied. Mind one thing that in no condition you should not make your record with less than 75% satisfactory work. If this happen you will not be able to work for some time. People who are using mobile network like grameen sometime will not get satisfactory rate due to the same IP like 119.xx.xx.xx. But don’t worry. Tasks are easy and you will be able do it less than 4-5 min. There is another way to earn money is being a part of affiliate program. I come across two program that I think authentic after some googling. I will advise you to take your luck with them. One is income-web. Its motto is simple. Something like adscence. You will put their link in your website and if people click on them you will get $.3. Another is by uploading file on Sharecash. If people download your file then you will be paid. I will warn one thing that you should not try uploading porn or copyrighted thing. There are lots of interesting thing in the web to upload that are free. Search them and download and write something on them on your site and link it to your to download. If people download you will earn money. I hope this gives fair idea of some of earning. As I said before there are tons of site in the web who will offer affiliate program but how many of them are real are really hard to determine. But affiliate program that ask money to make you member just go away from them. I almost forget but Google BlogSpot also start affiliate program in coordination with amazon. I don't think I have to tell about the authenticity of amazon. Give it a try. Good luck and ask anything if you want to know. If it is in my capacity I will answer your question.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Get A Free Site

People who are blogging on blogspot and wordpress platform often face a problem like no blogspot or wordpress site will be allowed. I know it is frustrating. And another thing is that blogspot is dangerously could hamper your traffic. If you have experience using google webmaster tool you will be see that crawler did not get access to your post. This happen for the measurement taken by the google to avoid repetitive labels(that you include during the post). This action is good for google as they don’t have to index repetitive label but bad for your business as you will not get traffic against that label. To get rid of this type of problem for free I will advice you to find for free hosting and domain registering site. Now my friends I say free hosting and free domain. You could find them separately or together. In free domain register site you will be able to register your domain ( for free and free hosting site you will be able to host it by uploading necessary file. I will give detail so that beginners could able to do it. Please go to to register your domain. You have to first sign up there and then they will give you the chance to register a domain.

Fill the blank place with your desired domain name. After that you will be asked to setup or manage your domain. In straight word you will be asked to direct your registered domain to a hosting server. They will ask you to setup name server. Which you will get via email after you register here. It will something start with ns0 and ns1. Your signup form will be like this.

You will put the domain name that you registered previously on the place of and fill the necessary field and you will get a confirmation email. I describe the domain registration part first because you will not get any email if your domain name is not registered. Put the necessary name server on domain manage area and within 24 to 48 hour you will be an owner of a site. You will also able to view this post on which is opened by this process.
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