Site Meter Onlineshopping Guide: Add keyword To your Google Blogspot Site

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Add keyword To your Google Blogspot Site

From the name of the article you will think ohh I read something like this in blogymate and and somewhere in blog world. But still you could not prevent me to elaborate the topics(lol). May be it is my ignorance and laziness but I am still not able come across any blogger plugin that able to put meta description or description and keyword straight without needing coding skill. Though in wordpress this advantage is added by AL IN ON SEO plugin. So here I am with my happy ranting. So add description and keyword first go to your blogger dashboard and then Design or DashboardDesign.

Then click on edit html. Window like below will appear.

Put below code under <head>

<meta content=" xxxxx,xxxxxx,xxxxx" name="description"></meta>

<meta content=" xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx" name="keywords"></meta>

Here you have to put your desired description and keyword in place of xxxx and keywords and description will separated by coma. After done this it will be look like below image.

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  1. It's great stuff. Above the steps to follow i created my blogspot. Each and every day your blog having some new topic and wonderful informations.

  2. Superb blog i found and it's great for me, Thanks for sharing these useful tips and tricks.
