Site Meter Onlineshopping Guide: Gaming PC

Gaming PC

There are difference between gaming pc and normal pc. Normal pc contain all the hardware that are also part of gaming pc but the capability of gaming pc is far more greater. For this reason gamers need to buy powerful hardware so that they could play all the latest game without any hazard. For any kind of pc you have to buy the components that are mentioned below.
  1. Processor.
  2. Motherboard.
  3. Graphics Card.
  4. Ram.
  5. Hard Disk.
  6. Casing.
  7. PSU(Power Supply Unit).
  8. Monitor.
I would like to divide gaming pc in three class. They are:-
  1. Lower Budget Gaming PC.
  2. Mid Budget Gaming PC.
  3. High Budget Gaming PC.
1. Lower Budget Gaming PC: Component needed to build a lower end gaming pc is a bit difficult. To do it you will need lot of research and basic understanding of terms like cache memory, fsb, clock speed, HT etc.
Clock Speed: Clock speed indicates the number of calculation a processor could done in a second. The higher the clock speed the higher is speed and performance.
Cache Memory:Cache memory is the memory of the processor. The higher the cache memory the higher is its speed and performance.
FSB: FSB or front side bus means the speed of communication between CPU or motherboard. The higher the front side the greater the performance of the system.
HT: HT or Hyper Threading is the capability of processors to do multiple processes without reducing its performance. In AMD this technology also known as Hyper Transport.
Now come to suggestion for the processor of lower end gaming pc. I will suggest Intel's core to duo family ( From E4xxx series and E8xxx). you could also add core i3 in your buying list. AMD Dual core will also do good. But I will suggest start buying from AMD Athelon 5200+ series. No less than that. For motherboard you will have to choose on base of your processor.

For graphics card I will suggest the below cards for your system. You could also read article on graphics card in this site.

Ram is the volatile memory of system. The higher the RAM the greater will be the performance. You will need at least 2 GB ram for an honorable performance.

Hard Disk:PC games enthusiast could easily remember the game “Return to Castle Wolfenstein ” . It is one of the best game that I ever played. On that time my hard disk was 40 GB and this game takes more than 700+ MB space which is huge place on the standard of that time. In present most games take 6-7 GB space to 10-12 GB. So if you have a hard disk less spacious then you will be soon out space and you also have to think other software and audio and video files. So I will suggest you to take a hard disk of 320 GB space and if you think it is not adequate then add more hard disk. You don’t have to worry about mother board as modern motherboards have capability to handle terabyte hard disk. Another thing is RPM. The more the RPM has a hard disk more faster it will store data.

Casing: Some people like to buy good looking slim casing. A word of advice for them is that it could suffocate your system. Means your system has the probability to overheat more than a big spacious casing. Before buy a casing you will have to check if it has more space than needed. It will help you later to add up custom things like CPU cooler or extra hard disk and especially most modern graphics need more space than previous version. So a slim one will won’t do any good. I will also recommend buying PSU from reputed company rather than custom casing CPU.

Article will be continued

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